Get Started on Aptos

From giant enterprises to teams of one, Aptos is the next generation L1 blockchain where anyone can build the future of Web3.

Aptos Network

Aptos is a Layer-1 community-driven network, governed by the people who build on it from around the world. It’s decentralized. It’s fast. It’s blockchain at its best.

Build community, make change, do something different. No need to ask for access. This blockchain is permissionless. Just build.

Read the Aptos Whitepaper

What’s the Aptos Foundation?

The Aptos Foundation is like the Aptos blockchain’s steadfast teammate–supporting its endeavors, bolstering it during challenges, and celebrating its triumphs.

Dedicated to cultivating the ecosystem, it empowers teams and individuals with grants, invigorates community engagement through educational programs and events, and champions decentralization via partnerships with node validators.


The power to the future of Aptos is in your hands. If you’re a part of the Aptos community, you can propose improvements or new ideas and vote on Aptos Improvement Proposals (AIPs for short).

Help guide the future of the network–from framework upgrades to changes to core code. Influence. Vote.

Move Language

The Move Language is the backbone of the Aptos network. Move introduces a safer, faster, and more expressive way to craft decentralized applications (aka Dapps).

Devs love it. It’s effortless, like “chewing cotton candy.”

Move Modules

Some call them smart contracts. But, on Aptos, they’re called Move modules. The important thing is, they can’t be changed, tampered, altered, or messed with in any way.

Start writing your first Move module on Aptos.

Start Coding


You and your ideas make the Aptos community thrive. Find the right launch pad to help your projects take flight.

Whether you’re an individual developer or a team, you can apply for a grant and get the funding you need to bring your ideas to life.

Apply for a Grant

Aptos Ecosystem

Your ideas are at the center of the Aptos ecosystem. Developers, creators, and users all come together to push the boundaries of what’s possible with blockchain.

Get a sneak peek into the various projects built in the Aptos Ecosystem and how you can get started with your own.

Web3 Wallets

Take control of your privacy and manage all your assets on Aptos. Aptos wallets provide a secure and efficient way to track all your digital assets.

Learn about the standards we’ve set for our wallets and how they can enhance your experience on Aptos.

Block Explorers

Explore the block and see transactions happening on Aptos.

It’s how you’ll understand the health of the network, and how the blockchain stays transparent.

Scan Aptos


NFTs aren’t just for creators and collectors, they’re for everyone. It’s just a techie term for saying, “it’s unique, and it’s yours.”

Explore the world of NFTs on Aptos, learn how to mint your first one, and see how you can own a piece of NFT culture.

Web3 Gaming

Aptos lets you own and take your achievements outside the game and into the Web3 world.

Check out what gamers are building on Aptos and how they’re redefining asset ownership.

Explore Gaming Projects

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DeFi is pushing the boundaries of modern-day banking and value transfer.

Decentralized Financial applications built on Aptos bring simple and complex monetary transactions alike to a level playing field for all users.

Dive into DeFi